March 8, 2010

I'm 29...again!

(The boys sweet birthday gift- a jar full of handwritten slips of reasons why they love their crazy mother)

Did you ever use the measuring cup system to report your age? (You must be eight. Actually, I am eight and three quarters!) You must remember counting down the weeks and then days until just minutes existed until your next birthday? Some families maintain their sanity by choosing to celebrate birthdays by a sophisticated system of even or odd years, or milestone birthdays only. I, however, did not grow up in a traditionally sane family, and one of the benefits of that was "Martie's Parties"! When you are fortunate to live with the person who is the life of every party, every single birthday-no matter how big or small, even or odd, life changing or not-was celebrated like it was the most important day of the year.

Despite the fact my memory is horrible, (my husband blames it on high school-don't ask), I have wonderful, vivid memories of my special day-even as early as the day I turned 5. (Who could forget a real flower arrangement from my dad, a "color me five" crayon-shaped birthday cake, accompanied by a three story handcrafted Barbie house!) The proceeding years traditionally yielded my room being covered in streamers and balloons,the most coveted slumber parties in school and my favorite breakfast being served on the very special red birthday plate.

Fast forward. I have been 28 and three quarters for a very long time now and am counting down the days until I get to turn 29...again! I am trying to be depressed. Depressed about turning another year older. Depressed that this year I have to work on my special day. But I can't manage to stifle the childlike excitement that still exists for me as February 25th approaches. Epiphany. At face value this must appear to be so self indulgent. It is not. It is simply the result of a little girl that was allowed to feel special and loved, needed and recognized, year after year, by parents who hardly had the means or maturity to even realize the importance of what they were accomplishing.

Ding-dong. This year the doorbell rang at 6:00 a.m. on February 25th. My sleepy husband rolled over and groaned. I stirred quickly because I knew the only person that would be bold enough to ring my doorbell this early on my birthday would be my mother. My mother in her pajamas, holding a bowl full of a labor intensive batter because apple pancakes are still my favorite. They are quickly cooked and served on a very special red birthday plate!

I am so thankful for parents that instilled in me and then continue to celebrate my self worth. I am also thankful for a husband and children that indulge me by carrying on the tradition. My kid brother turned doctor, drove up with his family to spend the weekend. My sweet sister-in-law emailed me the customized header and background that now compose my blog. There were countless cards and messages of well wishing, of which all I am sincerely thankful. I hope everyone has the opportunity to feel loved, appreciated and celebrated the way I do thanks to the best of family and friends :)


  1. Wow! I knew there was a great reason that I did all that, J/K ! You ARE special and very loved. and by the way, what does "maturity" have to do with any of this :) Can't wait until next birthday!! Love you...

  2. that was my tactful way of implying I have very young parents!

  3. I am reading this and find myself confused; I have no idea how old you really are! :) Your memory is as bad as my math! Well maybe not quite that bad! haha

  4. That was so sweet... and makes me want to be sure my girls birthdays are even more fun than the previous years! :) You do deserve a special day - more than just one a year!!

  5. Martie is awesome! The thought of apple pancakes make my mouth water! Too bad we weren't there to enjoy them.

  6. You're the best Amy and deserve to be celebrated. You give of yourself so freely, that what comes around goes around. You are truly blessed because of your unselfishness and willing to share your love with everybody. I truly feel blessed to have you in my life! I love you and have had a great weekend with you and your family, thanks for continuing to inspire me to be a better person.

  7. Okay, I know this is an "old" blog but your mom is here and im catching up on all of your families wonderful, creative blogging! Yours are so fun to read! I'll get on often! THIS post made me laugh and cry! LOVED IT!
