January 31, 2010

New Year and New Towels

Ross: All right, Monica categorizes her towels. How many categories are there?
Joey: Everyday use.
Chandler: Fancy.
Joey: Guest.
Chandler: Fancy guest.
Ross: Two seconds...
Joey: Uh, eleven!
Ross: 11. Unbelievable. 11 is correct.

Reducing the count of towel categories in the Kartchner household, is one of my many 2010 resolutions. You see, since the day we were married, at least one towel bar in every bathroom has been reserved for the "fancy" category of towels. This year marks our 10th wedding anniversary, and we have been using the same towels we were gifted on that joyous occasion ever since. Meanwhile, the "guest", "fancy guest" and "decorative" towels have remained untouched by anyone in the family, regardless of how thread barren, rough and sometimes smelly our own towels have become. We have added towel bars, towel racks and/or hooks to every bathroom, in every house we have ever lived in, to accommodate this ridiculous indulgence of mine-decorative towels with no particular function.

Matt and I chose not to give Christmas gifts to each other for the first time this year. Instead, we reserved our modest budget for the day after Christmas sales. We got a babysitter and braved the mall with one objective-new towels! Not just any towels-soft bath sheets with a high thread count. Mission accomplished! Our new plain and white, yet soft and comfortable towels, reside with the once "fancy" towels in our linen closet. Our old towels have respectfully been retired, and all towels are now candidates when any Kartchner body part needs to be dried! Our household now boasts only two categories of towels-clean and dirty! To many it may seem petty (as well as this post!), but for me it represents a larger aspiration of living a simpler life. I hope that this small change will be the catalyst behind many more important choices to live a leaner, yet more fulfilling life in 2010.


  1. That makes me laugh - the first time I visited my friend {and future sis-in-law} after she got married, I got in trouble for using the "fancy" towel. HA! We've never had "fancy" towels, but I soooo get the madness behind it! Good luck on your goal of leaner, simpler living. Good start!! :)

  2. More importantly.... What was Monica's nickname when she was a field hockey goalie??? :)

  3. Big Fat Goalie! I love the usage of Friends... and the new Christmas tradition. I think once our kids (well first we need more kids) get older we might follow suit.

  4. Way to go, you! Our nearly 11 year old wedding gift towels are also on their last leg...er, string. This photo looks heavenly!

  5. Sadly, I totally understand the psychology behind this kind of reasoning. It is as silly as our need to have a "living room" for our guests to visit, when in reality, we all end up in the kitchen and family room. It's as silly as me, with all my psych degrees, having to coordinate my socks with what I wear, even if it's just going to bed or wearing boots. Heaven help us women!

  6. This is a pretty good post! Not only did you post about new towels but the whole "Friend" thing was just to funny. I can't wait to use your new towels I am sure I will realize what we are missing out on! See you in a couple of weeks.
