July 23, 2010

Ridiculous Parenting Products

Do you think these "pee and poo" plushies could have helped me in my desperate search for potty training techniques? Pretty hilarious. Check out the "placenta teddy bear" among other ridiculous parenting products at: http://www.parenting.com/gallery/Mom/Ridiculous-Parenting-Products/1/

(I may have to stoop to purchasing the "Swarovski Rainbow Sparkle Silicone Pacifier" if I ever bring home a pink bundle)


  1. Oh my gosh, those were hilarious (and a little gross!)... and you definitely need the blingy paci! :)

  2. Wow that placenta bear was...no words. Though what's wrong with the sperm earrings, I thought they were kinda cute. Totally kidding.

  3. wait...what? if "you ever bring home a pink bundle"?? is that an announcement? or a preface to an announcement? hmmm..:)

  4. Oh that is nasty! I love the blinged out passi though!

  5. what i want to know is are the kids supposed to pick these toys up and play with them or are the parents supposed to pick them up and teach their kids with them....that is just gross!
